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Hydraulic engineering

•    Building and renowation of water reservoirs
•    Building, rebuilding and reconstruction of embankments
•    Works connected with river and ditch drainages
•    Building barriages, flap gated weirs, standard weirs, and water gates
•    Environment protection objects, e. g. fish ladders
•    Building and renowation of ditches, artificial rapids, river and stream engineering
•    Deepening and purification of water reservoirs
•    Drainage and sewerage systems, chambers, pits, concrete reservoirs



Construction industry
in terms of earthworks, engineering and reinforced concrete works, as well as turnkey projects; shell units and finishing state:

  • office builldings, hotel buildings, apartments and residential buildings,
  • single-family and multi-family housing estates,
  • public facility buildings, shopping centres, sporting facilities



Engineering works

•    Demolition and removal works
•    Land grading and reclamation
•    Earthworks (excavations, embankments)
•    Dehydration and protection of the excavation sides
•    Subsoil exchange and strengthening,
•    Ancilliary works with piling (removal of dredged material, delivery and installation of reinforcement cages, concreting)
•    Embankments and floodbanks
•    Retaining wall in the geosynthetic reinforced soil system e. g. T-wall


Road construcion

  • engineering and concrete works
  • construction layers of roads, squares and pavements
  • the objects adjacent to highway maintenance sections and motorway stations


Bridges construction
in terms of reinforcement, carpentry and concrete works, foundations, bridgeheads, props, bridge spans,
viaducts, trestles, tunnels, underpasses and footbridges.
We offer wide range of services such as mounting of boarding (of all brands and types), installation of reinforcement.



Building constructions for industry
In terms of earthworks, engineering and concrete works of buildings, warehouses, production halls, sewage farms, water treatment stations, and other facilities.


Construction industry

in terms of earthworks, engineering and reinforced concrete works, as well as turnkey projects; shell units and finishing state:
- office builldings, hotel buildings, apartments and residential buildings,
-   single-family and multi-family housing estates,
-   public facility buildings, shopping centres, sporting facilities

 Budownictwo kubaturowe

Industrial building
In terms of earthworks, engineering and concrete works of buildings, warehouses, production halls, sewage farms, water treatment stations, and other facilities.

Budownictwo przemysłowe


Road construcion
in terms of earthworks, engineering and concrete works, as well as construction layers of roads, squares and pavements. Also, the objects adjacent to highway maintenance sections and motorway stations.


Budownictwo drogowe

ETP S.A. w restrukturyzacji
Siedziba w Katowicach
ul. Siemianowicka 5a
40-301 Katowice

Zakład w Bierawie
ul. Gliwicka 8
47-240 Bierawa

NIP: 634-000-40-17
REGON: 271431626
KRS: 0000055522

Sąd Rejonowy Katowice-Wschód w Katowicach
VIII Wydział Gospodarczy
Kapitał zakładowy 1.192.672 zł
wpłacony w całości