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Production hall with the surface of 30,000 square km.


Scope of works:

    building switchboads
    busbars installation
    three-phase power system installation
    lightning installation
    lightning rod installation

Warehouse, office and employee facilities, total surface: 40 000 m2


Scope of works:
MV/LV station insallation.

    installation of two transformers 1250 kVa with bus bars
    prefabrication and delivery of SN 20 kV 630A switchgear
    building switchboard
    three-phase power systems
    lightning systems installation
    lightning rod installation
    fire alarm system installation
    LAN network and telephone network
    facility building

Outside wiring:

    building of cable ducting
    SN cable routing
    Building of outdoor lightning

    Total farm\'s power  10 MW (5 windmills, 2MW each)

Scope of works:
    execution of the middle-voltage installation 15kV and its connection with the Electric System
    delivery and installation of five transforming stations along with transformers 2500 kVA 15/0,69kV
    delivery and installation of middle-voltage station 15kV; metering, billing, and networking system
    delivery and installation of the remote reading system for energy measurement
    project, delivery and installation of the systems: close-circuit television, alarm systems

Sorting hall along with the office space. Total surface 30 000 m2. Total building power 3,8 MVA.

Scope of works:

    delivery and installation of transformers
    delivery and installation of SN switchboards
    delivery and installation of NN switchboards
    delivery and installation of the power generator
    lightning installation
    three-phase power sysytem installation
    technology powering
    lightning rod

Outside network:

    building of cable ducting
    SN cable routing
    installation of outside lightning

ETP S.A. w restrukturyzacji
Siedziba w Katowicach
ul. Siemianowicka 5a
40-301 Katowice

Zakład w Bierawie
ul. Gliwicka 8
47-240 Bierawa

NIP: 634-000-40-17
REGON: 271431626
KRS: 0000055522

Sąd Rejonowy Katowice-Wschód w Katowicach
VIII Wydział Gospodarczy
Kapitał zakładowy 1.192.672 zł
wpłacony w całości