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Within the hydraulic engineering and construction business lines ETP S.A. specializes in the construction of structures related to the modernization and development of the inland areas.

Our activities include upgrading works on flood embankments, construction and protection of water reservoirs for recreational activities, construction of dams, barrages and weirs.


  • Posiadamy wykwalifikowną kadrę inżynieryjno-techniczną
  • Realizujemy obiekty w formule
  • W trakcie robót dbamy o zabytki i zagrożone gatunki zwierząt
  • Zapewniamy sprawną i terminową realizację obiektów
  • 12012
  • 13031
  • 10008
  • IMG_1504

Our projects include earthworks, construction and insulation works. Apart from linear construction we also have experience in building construction. With our equipment we are able to smoothly and quickly realise road works including earthworks and frameworks under asphalt surfaces.

We create technological systems for water-supply and sewage systems. We have a long list of investors references that verify our trustworthiness and reliability within projects related to civil engineering, particularly in hydraulic, industrial, residential and road construction.

Our staff consist of highly qualified engineers who have appropriate construction certificates and are members of the Chamber of Civil Engineers.


ETP S.A. w restrukturyzacji
Siedziba w Katowicach
ul. Siemianowicka 5a
40-301 Katowice

Zakład w Bierawie
ul. Gliwicka 8
47-240 Bierawa

NIP: 634-000-40-17
REGON: 271431626
KRS: 0000055522

Sąd Rejonowy Katowice-Wschód w Katowicach
VIII Wydział Gospodarczy
Kapitał zakładowy 1.192.672 zł
wpłacony w całości